Birds of Mechelen – Belgium

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I met my wife in 2012.  In the summer we wanted to go on holiday to Bulgaria, Greece and Macedonia with a friend. He insisted we first should have a test holiday alone. Our test holiday was in Mechelen. On our visit to Mechelen we saw some birds.      

Also on

Enjoy our photo album about Kampen, the Netherlands.

The small city of Kampen was once an influential Hanseatic city with a huge fleet. It traded with northern Europe, had a University and there were no taxes.

Have a look at all our albums with photos of Castles.

We also have a blog. On it you will find a story about 5 smaller cities in the UK.

When people from outside the UK visit England most people go to London. Of course this is a great city to visit. There is a lot to see and do and when it’s your first time in this fascinating country I can definitely recommend it. You can easily spend a week in “the Big Smoke” and still only see a few things. 

Read all our travel adventures on our blog.

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