Fortress Muiden.
In the Middle Ages Floris V built a castle near Muiden to cover the strategic route to Amsterdam. In the centuries that followed the Dutch fortified this city for the same reason. There are a few forts in Muiden and the complete town is surrounded by its original wall. It therefore is a great place to take photos.
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Check out our album about Beeston Castle.
The Castle.
Beaston Castle was built in 1220 by the Earl of Chester. In 1237 it became a Royal Castle and it stayed that until the 16th century.
After the Civil War in 1646 Cromwell had the castle demolished to prevent it from possible future use as a stronghold.
Check all our albums with photos with Castles
We also have a blog. The story about ‘Little monks in disguise‘ is set in Ireland and very funny.
A story about puffins. I visited these birds on Skellig Michael, an Irish island, which once was home to monks. Only a few amount of tourists can go there.
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