German fairytale castle
When I was 9 years old my dad took me and my brother for the first time abroad to a campsite near the river Moselle. Until then, my only holiday memories were those of a mobile home that my parents owned in the neighbouring village. As a toddler I had been there quite frequently. My parents got divorced when I was about 5. They then sold the mobile home and we did not go on holidays anymore. You can understand that this first time abroad with my dad was a memorable experience. One of the first castles I ever saw was Burg Eltz. It is situated a few kilometres away from the Moselle. The French King Louis XIV tried to incorporate this region into France during the nine-year-war. During this war most castles have been distroyed, bombarded by cast iron cannons. However, Burg Eltz did not undergo this faith and is now know as the pearl of the region. This castle has made a lasting impression on me. Still, whenever someone mentions ‘castles’ or ‘the Moselle’ the first thing that I think about is Burg Eltz.Castle Eltz
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Check out our album about Beeston Castle.
The Castle.
Beaston Castle was built in 1220 by the Earl of Chester. In 1237 it became a Royal Castle and it stayed that until the 16th century.
After the Civil War in 1646 Cromwell had the castle demolished to prevent it from possible future use as a stronghold.
Check all our albums with photos with Castles
We also have a blog. The story about ‘Little monks in disguise‘ is set in Ireland and very funny.
A story about puffins. I visited these birds on Skellig Michael, an Irish island, which once was home to monks. Only a few amount of tourists can go there.
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