The Metropol.
In the early days of the movies people gathered in the movie theaters for a night out. Most of them had art deco interiors. During the last part of the 20th century movie theaters became bigger. 6 or more movie screens became normal. As a result most of the old theathers were closed. This theater, ‘das Metropol’, was transformed into a bookstore, ‘Thalia’. We loved the way they did it.
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Check out our album about The churches of Cologne.
The most famous church in Cologne is the Cathedral. This World Heritage site is a Gothic church. There are also 12 older, Roman, churches.
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We also have a blog. On it you’ll find a story about the Beaujolais area in France.
Some examples of things to do in Beaujolais (France), like drinking wine, playing jeu de boules, visiting Bagnols, Corcelles Castle or a local playground.
Read all our stories in France.

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