Dear reader,
We, Marnix and Roosje, welcome you on this travel photo site. Our love for photography brought us together. Below you can find some personal information about us. Marnix will add most of the albums. Because we only use one camera we often cannot say who of us took the photo.
If you like our website, please feel free to share the link with your friends, family or colleagues. You also may post it on Facebook, Twitter or other social media. If you do so, don’t forget to make a link to our site. However, if you like to use (one or more photos on) our site for commercial purposes, please contact us directly using the contact form.
Marnix Hart
When I was 11 years old I went on a school trip to an island called Vlieland. By pure coincidence I took a stunning photo on the beach. Back then I put this photo on the wall in my bedroom. Unfortunately, the photo is long gone.
Years later during a minor in Arts, Media and Technology the photo bug caught me again. I have been taking photos since.
8 years ago I bought a SLR: a second-hand Cannon 400D. I learned how to take photo’s with it and I developed my own style of taking photos. Even today, when my wife and I take a photo of the same object, most of the time the results are like day and night. For our honeymoon we bought a new SLR, a Nikon, and we have been taking photos with it ever since.
I have never enrolled in a professional photo academy. However, over the years I have made a few photos that are worth printing in a photo magazine.
After Roosje started her site I started to think about a photo site to showcase our best photos. This site is the result of my efforts. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I like making it.
Roosje Hart
I come from a family of photographers. My grandfather and grandmother were photographers, my uncle and aunt were photographers. I even have a distant family member who was travelling with a fair to take photos of visitors in a time photography was something special, something that not everyone could do.
Despite my descent, I did not get my first photo camera until I was 13 years old. All I had to do was press a button and the photo was taken. Because I had no interest in photography I kept on taking photos like that until I started travelling. I was no longer satisfied. I wanted to learn how to take nice photos on my journeys and so I decided to do a basic course at the Photo Academy in Amsterdam, followed by one year of their professional studies. During my time there I learned how to use a SLR camera and much more. Although I dropped out my love for photography has only grown over the years.
In 2012 I went on an excursion at Forteiland IJmuiden. There were about 30 or 40 of us. One person stood out. He was taking photos of sea gulls and seemed to love what he was doing. We soon started talking and we never stopped. He is now my husband and the father of our daughter. We both still love taking photos and hope to transfer that love to our daughter.